Develop django_dbdev

Install the requirements

Install the following:

  1. Python:)
  2. PIP
  3. VirtualEnv
  4. virtualenvwrapper
  5. MySQL (you will need the development headers to build the Python module)
  6. PostgreSQL (you will need the development headers to build the Python module)

Install required Python modules in a virtualenv

Create a virtualenv:

$ mkvirtualenv django_dbdev

Install the development requirements:

$ cd djangoproject/
$ pip install -r requirements_development.txt

Run the test project

Navigate to the testproject:

$ cd dbdev_testproject/

Test with postgres using:

$ DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=dbdev_testproject.develop.settings.postgres python

Test with sqlite using:

$ DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=dbdev_testproject.develop.settings.sqlite python

Test with mysql using:

$ DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=dbdev_testproject.develop.settings.mysql python

Submit a patch

  1. Fork the GitHub repository.
  2. If you are making a major change, you should create an issue where you explain the change and the motivation. This will make it far less likely that the patch will be rejected.
  3. When the patch is ready, send a pull request to espenak.

Release a new version

  • Update django_dbdev/version.json
  • Git commit the release with message Release <version>.
  • Git tag the release with <version>.
  • python sdist
  • twine upload dist/django-dbdev-<version>.tar.gz (you may need to do pip install twine)