Getting started


$ pip install django_dbdev

Configure your Django project

Add django_dbdev to INSTALLED_APPS, and setup one of the database backends (below).

Setup for PostgreSQL

Add the following to your Django settings:

from django_dbdev.backends.postgres import DBSETTINGS

    'default': DBSETTINGS

Setup for sqlite3

Add the following to your Django settings:

from django_dbdev.backends.sqlite import DBSETTINGS

    'default': DBSETTINGS

Setup for MySQL

Add the following to your Django settings:

from django_dbdev.backends.mysql import DBSETTINGS

    'default': DBSETTINGS


If you use the mariadb or mysql packages for homebrew on OSX, you must also set DBDEV_MYSQL_BASEDIR as an environent variable or Django setting. We recommend using an environment variable to avoid affecting other developers on the same project, and because it allows you to fix it for all your Django projects.

For mariadb it will look something like this:

export DBDEV_MYSQL_BASEDIR=/usr/local/Cellar/mariadb/10.0.10/

The version number will vary. For mysql the only difference will be the name of the directory (mysql instead of mariadb).

Avoiding port-number-crashes

If you are developing multiple projects simultaneously, or just have a lot of stuff running on various ports and want to avoid a crash, you can specify the port for dbdev by adding this line below DATABASES in

DATABASES['default']['PORT'] = <my_random_port_number>

where my_random_port_number is the port you want your dbdev-database to run on. We recommend using a port somewhere in the range 20.000-50.000.

Developing for multiple database backends

The dbdev_testproject explained in Develop django_dbdev in an example of one such setup. The only thing required is a way of specifying which DB backend to use, and that can be done in many ways.